Decoding Myofunctional Disorders: Causes & Effect

Joy Lantz

Duration: 60 minutes

CE: 1.0


Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) often originate from patient habits or conditions that manifest during infancy, potentially disrupting healthy function and persisting throughout a person's lifetime. These disorders can provoke reactions that complicate dental treatments, making routine dental appointments challenging and potentially leading to more severe health complications affecting breathing, sleep, and beyond.  Gain insights into how to identify these oral myofunctional disorders and understand their origins. Participants will learn how to perform thorough OMD screenings for patients across all age groups, encompassing both pediatric and adult populations. The curriculum features exploration of case studies, shedding light on the substantial benefits of early detection of these disorders and enabling preventative care and better management.


  1. Discover the advantages of myofunctional therapy in pre/post-operative care and as an independent treatment. 

  2. Learn a strategy for screening your existing patient base for these disorders

  3. Identify the benefits of early intervention in preventing


Cultivating Healthy Smiles: Nurturing Oral Growth from the Start

Joy Lantz

Duration: 60 minutes

CE: 1.0

Are you uneasy when caring for infants and toddlers, uncertain during examinations, and find it difficult to guide parents? Would you like to offer more support but are unsure how to do so effectively? Discover how your practice can seamlessly and methodically cater to the needs of infants and toddlers, leading to increased in-house retention, heightened productivity, and enhanced practice profitability. Experience the fulfillment of serving your community while guiding the oral growth of infants and toddlers. 


The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommend regular dental care for infants and toddlers to promote healthy orofacial development. The first visit should be within six months of the first tooth eruption or by the first birthday. Early intervention fosters long-term health and an established dental home nurtures oral health as well as practice growth. Participants will gain insights into the significance of monitoring orofacial growth in young patients. We will discover a six-step plan that involves tracking milestone recall visits from birth to age three. Acquire the knowledge and expertise essential for offering early intervention and supportive care for infants and toddlers, as well as empowering parents to prioritize their child's oral health.

Optimizing Oral Function with Myofunctional Therapy

Joy Lantz

Duration: 60 minutes

CE: 1.0

Are patients reporting jaw discomfort, frequent cavities, or orthodontic difficulties? Are children displaying crowded primary teeth or inadequate facial development?

Examine the role of myofunctional therapy in enhancing oral function and understand the wide-ranging benefits for both patients and practitioners. Uncover its merits as a pre- and post-operative aid, and as an auxiliary treatment for individuals with orofacial and other health complications such as headaches/migraines, TMJ/TMD, orthodontic stability, sleep apnea, irregular breathing patterns, and more.


Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the concept of myofunctional therapy and its core principles

  2. Comprehend the importance of myofunctional therapy for optimal results.

  3. Discover the advantages of myofunctional therapy in pre/post-operative care and as an independent treatment.


Joy Lantz

With a passion for assisting dental and medical professionals to work together in screening and treating for oral myofunctional disorders and overall health, Joy Lantz, RDH, PHDH, COM, IBCLC brings nearly 30 years of experience in the dental field. She is a sought-after international professional speaker presenting courses on anticipatory guidance, collaboration for patient care, and myofunctional therapy. Joy received her certification in orofacial myology (COM) from the International Association of Orofacial Myology in 2017. She serves as the Executive Committee Secretary and as a Board of Director of the IAOM. She earned the title Certified Breastfeeding Specialist in 2021 and earned her International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) credential in 2022. She is co-creator of the mini Sproutz program for children aged birth to three with anticipatory guidance for parents and to track oral development in early years. Joy is also the owner of Joy Lantz: Transforming Oral Health, specializing in educating colleagues about advanced myofunctional concepts and business development.